Because I am trying to adopt Pabi's "political atheism," I don't publish my political ideas. However, if these posts are what they are supposed to be, it is only fair that you understand what I think about some of these things. As you will see there is enough here to piss everyone off. That is why I don't publish them. I do not hold to any of them very tightly but rather hold them in an upturned, open hand, more than willing to be wrong and recognizing that what I believe doesn't matter much in the large scope of things. Ultimately Pabi's campaign slogan from her last presidential bid is as good as any, "No bad beer." Let that be our motto. With that being said, here ya go. This may not be everything, but it is a start. Let's see how many people get up in arms
My Political Beliefs
- Political systems are never good. The best we can hope for is to structure them and limit them to be less bad.
- Some things we band together to do more effectively as a community.
- Nearly always, less is more.
- Political systems exist to hold evil in check. This requires force. So not everyone can be a Christ-following pacifist. Only those called to non-violence need be completely nonviolent. We are always to be a prophetic voice using Love as our weapon to reign in power.
- Love cannot be systematized nor politicized. And, since it exists as the greatest unseen force in the universe, it must inform how we think about politics.
- Individuals are made in the Image of God and thus are created to
- Live in and appreciate beauty,
- Be interdependent (designed for perfect relationship),
- Be creative (designed to design),
- Have dignity (a value that is independent of what they do, create, and think), and
- Live into freedom.
- Modern political theory on both sides of the conservative/progressive divide takes away some of how a loving God created us.
These things being true. I:
- Am completely pro-life:
- No abortion,
- No capital punishment,
- No wars to export democracy or protect economic interests.
- No capital punishment
- Only self-defense of life and property (not material)
- Believe in a single-payer health care system. This is purely pragmatic as it runs counter to most of the rest of my political theory of limited, or no government interference.
- There are too many stakeholders in the current system: hospitals, doctors and nurses, big Pharma, and insurance companies. Everyone has their hand out to grab whatever they can.
- Medicare works and has proven to be sustainable when not raided to pay for other services. It allows for people to purchase supplemental insurance so it does not completely bankrupt insurance companies and put their thousands of employees to of work. It has negotiated reasonable drug prices for members and can keep those costs in check.
- If it can be combined with the current Health Savings Account Model that slides for peoples’ needs, it will actually make doctors and hospitals compete for patients in a free-market manner, while encouraging individuals to save and allow those savings to roll into an IRA (assuming it functions as the current system does).
- You don’t hear Canadians, Brits, and Aussies complaining about their system. For sure there is the odd horror story but these are the outliers, and they do not compare to the thousands of families that are bankrupted by their medical expenses and are either swamped by insurance premiums that are out of this world, or simply uninsured because they cannot afford the premiums to begin with.
- Think all drugs (not just marijuana) should be legal, and that we should tax the hell out of their sale to fund education and recovery programs (as well as other things). Prohibition does not work and only fuels crime and the “Penitentiary syndicate.”
- Think that someone who is trained and demonstrates proficiency should be allowed to privately own an aircraft carrier or F-16, or any other kind of weapon they so desire. I do not believe in gun registries. I think they are dangerous. However
- Given the prevalence of guns in America, gun safety needs to be taught in schools by people who know, understand, and respect guns.
- Before anyone can own a weapon they need to show proficiency in using that weapon. I suggest levels of licensure: basic (single action weapons), Hunting proficiencies, semi-automatic training, fully automatic, explosives, heavy gunnery, etc… People can only own that which they are trained to own, but they don’t have to own, nor are any records kept of what they own.
- What I love about my stance on guns is that it tends to piss everyone off. So, I must have something right in my thinking.
- Believe government should have no say in marriages period. The “rights” (taxation, etc…) that marriages now give need to be transferred to a registry of partnerships that will do the same thing. But the government should not be in the marriage business.
- Think that permitting private property improvement is inane. Though public buildings for businesses need to be inspected for safety
- Believe property should not be taxed
- Am a flat tax guy:
- A Straight across the board 10% tax on EVERY financial transaction divided between the state and the federal government. In my world: 7% to the state 3% to the Feds.
- Vehicle license fees should be calculated based upon vehicle weight and the miles driven each year.
- Utilities need to be regulated to ensure equitable distribution. The internet is a utility
- Believe traffic police need to be required to drive marked and highly visible cars. The question here is: Does traffic enforcement exist to make the streets safer or increase revenue. If it is to make the streets safer, heavily marked police cars slow traffic, unmarked vehicles merely catch speeders.
- Think that most but not all police need to be foot patrols and unarmed. (See the UK)
- The militarization of the police has led to severe mistrust and increased violence
- Body cameras need to be required.
- Believe that individual neighborhoods need to be given more power to build the types of the community they want without government overuse
- Think that the US military needs to be recalled to bases on American soil. No troops on foreign soil. We need to stop being the world’s police. That money needs to be poured into US infrastructure and economic partnerships that build US interests economically rather than politically and militarily. We need to cap our military spending at no more than two times what the next strongest nation is spending.
- Think that education needs to be free all the way through 16th grade. School choice and vouchers are good.
- Hold that corporations ARE NOT to be treated as individuals. Free speech rules should not apply to them.
- Think that elections need to be publicly funded to keep big money out.
- Think that we need term limits across the board. (No more than 12 years in Washington DC for any politician).
- Lists of which politician a corporation gives to and how much needs to be public record and easily accessible. I really like the idea of sponsor patches on politician’s suits.
- Senators and Representatives need to live under the same financial rules that collegiate athletes follow regarding accepting gifts and trips, etc…)
- Believe that churches need to start paying tax on income that is not spent on community enrichment and social services. This would take a lot of thinking and work, but, I can dream, can’t I? The funding that comes in for multi-use building that is open to the community as a rec center or emergency homeless shelter wouldn’t be taxed where the money that comes in for a worship center that is only used for worship services would be, etc… See the Sally Army for what I mean here. They do this well.
- Think the government should never be allowed to compel speech.
- Giving money is not free speech
- If I am an artist I should not ever be compelled to create art that runs counter to my religious beliefs.
- Think the government should not be allowed to limit pipelines etc… but neither should private property owners be forced to allow them. Fines for any kind of environmental hazer need to be so severe that companies work into their financial plans contingencies and safety that mitigates the chance of disaster. In other words, disaster fines need to be so outrageous that companies will go above and beyond to avoid any spills.
- Believe that pollution needs to result in “outrageous” fines so that we do not have to micro-manage how they do it, merely punish them so severely they will avoid pollution at any cost.
- Think there need to be caps on personal liability but none on corporate liability.
- Believe that federal minimum wage be set at $15 / per hour for adults and $7.50 for those under 16 years of age
- Hold that Shop, art and music need to become staples of both primary and secondary education. Recess needs to regain stature in primary education. Primary schools should start earlier than secondary schools do.
- Believe that Veteran’s, first responders, and educator’s (with ten years of service or more) healthcare should not be limited (to the VA) and should always have a very low deductible, lots of freedom of choice, and low out of pocket expenses without having a lot of paperwork for the providers, so that the best providers will want to care for veterans and teachers.
- Think every high school grad and drop out should be required to do a minimum of two years service either in the Military, Peace Corps, or something like the Ameri-Corp (building and serving local communities and infrastructure) before going onto college or trade school.
- Banks and financial institutions need to be very heavily regulated.
- The bigger the corporation the more regulation it needs. If it is an international it needs to have the most regulation
- No ID no vote
- We need to loosen and allow more immigration in, once that is done, we need to make it difficult for illegal aliens to be comfortable, We do need to create pathways to citizenship for illegals who have been here for years and have started families here.
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